Deals & Offers
Tour Packages
- Book early and save 2% on all cultural and trekking tours to Pakistan
- Special offer of 5% discount for Friendship Tour (Ref: 17 Days/ Cultural Tours in Pakistan) if travel between 01.10 - 31.03.10
Hotels & Resorts
10% Exclusive discount offers for hotels in Hunza Valley, Skardu, Gilgit, Chitral, Swat Valley, Murree, Nathiagali and Kaghan Valley if travel between 01.10 - 31.03.10
Senior Citizen Discount (PIA)
- For international travel 10 % Senior Citizen discount is available in Economy and Business cabins (Restriction apply for the available classes).
- For domestic travel 10% discount is given in in Economy, Economy Plus and Business cabins (Restriction apply for the available classes).
- This discount will be available through PIA offices and Agents.
- Proof of age (65 Years and above) will be required
Student Discount (PIA)
- For international travel 10 % Student discount is available in Economy cabin
- 25% Student Discount for a group of minimum 10 students in Economy cabin
- Discount will only be available through PK counter
- For domestic travel 25% Student discount is available on all Domestic sectors in Economy class (K & above).
- 50% discount for a group of minimum 10 students will be given in Economy Class Cabin (K & above) and 50% discount will be given to the accompanied teacher on Domestic sectors in Economy class (K & above).
For UK Sector Only
From Karachi to London and return.
- Group fare for two passengers (GV2): 50% discount on second Ticket.
From Islamabad/Lahore to London and return.
- Group fare for two passengers (GV2): 40% discount on second Ticket.
From Lahore/Islamabad to Manchester/Birmingham/Glasgow/Bradford and return.
- Companion fare for two passengers: 40% discount on second Ticket
Karachi to Manchester/Birmingham/Glasgow/Bradford and Return.
- Companion fare for two passengers: 40% discount on second Ticket.
- Discount will only be available through PK counter
- For individual/group student discount, Student must present educational institution ID card or proof of admission (in case of fresh admission only).